Puzzle at a Glance
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Puzzle number in The Daily Telegraph
DT 29702 | |
Publication date in The Daily Telegraph
Tuesday, June 15, 2021 | |
Unknown | |
Link to full review
Big Dave's Crossword Blog [DT 29702]
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Big Dave's Crossword Blog review written by
Mr K | |
BD rating
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Difficulty - ★★ | Enjoyment - ★★★ |
Falcon's experience
███████████████████████████████████ └────┴────┴────┴────┴────┴────┴────┘ | |
█ - solved without assistance
█ - incorrect prior to use of puzzle solving tools
█ - solved with assistance from puzzle solving tools
█ - solved with aid of checking letters provided by puzzle solving tools
█ - solved but without fully parsing the clue
█ - unsolved or incorrect prior to visiting Big Dave's Crossword Blog
█ - solved with aid of checking letters provided by solutions from Big Dave's Crossword Blog
█ - reviewed by Falcon for Big Dave's Crossword Blog
█ - yet to be solved
In this hot. sultry weather even mental exercise can be a strain so today's fairly non-taxing offering should be most welcome.I invite you to leave a comment to let us know how you fared with the puzzle.
Notes on Today's Puzzle
This commentary is intended to serve as a supplement to the review of this puzzle found at Big Dave's Crossword Blog, to which a link is provided in the table above.
Markup Conventions | |
Click here for further explanation and usage examples of markup conventions used on this blog. |
1a | Masses of salt water around motorway -- lock // sewer (10) |
Motorway[2,5] (abbreviation M[5]) is a British, Australian, and New Zealand term for a dual-carriageway road [divided highway] designed for fast-moving traffic, especially one with three lanes per carriageway [direction of travel] and limited access and exit points [controlled access].
6a | Stare at // internet search engine, losing energy (4) |
9a | Like a moneylender perhaps, // before father almost gets caught with debts (10) |
"caught " = C [cricket notation]
10a | Genuine // ceasefire, though not constant (4) |
Being a "constant", of course the word has the same meaning as yesterday!
In mathematics, C[5] (or c) is a symbol used to represent either the third fixed constant to appear in an algebraic expression, or a known constant. (show more ) Specifically in physics, c[5] is the symbol for the speed of light in a vacuum (which is a constant).
In mathematics, a constant[5] is a quantity or parameter that does not change its value whatever the value of the variables, under a given set of conditions.
In physics, a constant[5] is a number expressing a relation or property which remains the same in all circumstances, or for the same substance under the same conditions.
In mathematics, a constant[5] is a quantity or parameter that does not change its value whatever the value of the variables, under a given set of conditions.
In physics, a constant[5] is a number expressing a relation or property which remains the same in all circumstances, or for the same substance under the same conditions.
12a | Smooth // limb before tattoo oddly removed (6) |
In music, legato[5] denotes:
- (as an adverb or adjective) in a smooth flowing manner, without breaks between notes ⇒ (i)
the notes were played legato by the bassoons
; (ii)his tremolo and legato work
; - (as a noun) a piece or passage marked to be performed legato ⇒
He knew enough about my instrument to be able to say to me: ‘Why don't you play the legato like that?’
13a | Showering after little time // exercising (8) |
15a | Sum up posture: worryingly // cocky (12) |
18a | Joined // in with business deals, initially (12) |
21a | Petrified with editor wanting chapter /to be/ brilliant (8) |
22a | Blow that is by king/'s/ sword (6) |
"king " = R [Rex]
In the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms*, Rex[5] (abbreviation R[5]) [Latin for king] denotes the reigning king, used following a name (e.g. Georgius Rex, King George — often shortened to GR) or in the titles of lawsuits (e.g. Rex v. Jones, the Crown versus Jones — often shortened to R. v. Jones).
* A Commonwealth realm[7] is a sovereign state that is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations and shares the same person, currently Elizabeth II, as its head of state and reigning constitutional monarch, but retains a crown legally distinct from the other realms. There are currently sixteen Commonwealth realms, the largest being Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom with the remainder being smaller Caribbean and Pacific island nations.
In the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms*, Rex[5] (abbreviation R[5]) [Latin for king] denotes the reigning king, used following a name (e.g. Georgius Rex, King George — often shortened to GR) or in the titles of lawsuits (e.g. Rex v. Jones, the Crown versus Jones — often shortened to R. v. Jones).
* A Commonwealth realm[7] is a sovereign state that is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations and shares the same person, currently Elizabeth II, as its head of state and reigning constitutional monarch, but retains a crown legally distinct from the other realms. There are currently sixteen Commonwealth realms, the largest being Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom with the remainder being smaller Caribbean and Pacific island nations.
24a | Just // the first lady and Biden, finally (4) |
"the first lady " = EVE
In the Bible, Eve[5,10] is the first woman, mother of the human race, fashioned by God from the rib of Adam, companion of Adam and mother of Cain and Abel* [Gen 2:18-25].
* not to mention Seth and her other sons and daughters [Gen 5:4]
Disobeying God, Eve[7] succumbs to the serpent's temptation to eat the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and shares the fruit with Adam. As a result, the first humans are expelled from the Garden of Eden.
In the Bible, Eve[5,10] is the first woman, mother of the human race, fashioned by God from the rib of Adam, companion of Adam and mother of Cain and Abel* [Gen 2:18-25].
* not to mention Seth and her other sons and daughters [Gen 5:4]
Disobeying God, Eve[7] succumbs to the serpent's temptation to eat the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and shares the fruit with Adam. As a result, the first humans are expelled from the Garden of Eden.
Even[10] is used in the sense of just and impartial; in other words, fair ⇒
an even division.
Scratching the Surface
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Joe Biden[5]
is a US Democratic statesman, 46th president of the US since 2021. He served in the US Senate 1973–2009 and was US vice president 2009–17. |
25a | Standing // way to the left of Conservative radical (6,4) |
"Conservative " = C [member of British political party]
The abbreviation for Conservative may be either C.[10] or Con.[10].
The Conservative Party[5] is a major right of centre British political party promoting free enterprise and private ownership that emerged from the old Tory Party* under Sir Robert Peel in the 1830s and 1840s.
* Historically, a Tory[10] was a member of the English political party that opposed the exclusion of James, Duke of York from the royal succession (1679–80). Tory remained the label for subsequent major conservative interests until they gave birth to the Conservative Party in the 1830s.
The abbreviation for Conservative may be either C.[10] or Con.[10].
The Conservative Party[5] is a major right of centre British political party promoting free enterprise and private ownership that emerged from the old Tory Party* under Sir Robert Peel in the 1830s and 1840s.
* Historically, a Tory[10] was a member of the English political party that opposed the exclusion of James, Duke of York from the royal succession (1679–80). Tory remained the label for subsequent major conservative interests until they gave birth to the Conservative Party in the 1830s.
Street cred (short for street credibility[5]) denotes acceptability among fashionable young urban people ⇒
the Liverpudlian is to use his street credibility to try to get the anti-vandalism message across to schoolchildren.
26a | Place for pigs by // river (4) |
In Greek mythology, the Styx[5] is one of the nine rivers in the underworld, over which Charon ferried the souls of the dead.
27a | Corrupt // European is after X-rated lick (10) |
"European " = E [as in E number]
E[1,2] is the abbreviation for European (as in E number*).
* An E number[1,4,10,14] (or E-number[2,5]) is any of various identification codes required by EU law, consisting of the letter E (for European) followed by a number, that are used to denote food additives such as colourings and preservatives (but excluding flavourings) that have been approved by the European Union.
E[1,2] is the abbreviation for European (as in E number*).
* An E number[1,4,10,14] (or E-number[2,5]) is any of various identification codes required by EU law, consisting of the letter E (for European) followed by a number, that are used to denote food additives such as colourings and preservatives (but excluding flavourings) that have been approved by the European Union.
Lick is used in the sense of pace or rate*.
* as in the phrase at a lick[5] meaning at a fast pace ⇒
the hearse was going at a fair lick for that normally sedate vehicle.
1d | Soft // drink if you don't mind -- just a half (6) |
"drink " = SUP
As a verb, sup[5] is a dated or Northern English term meaning to take (drink or liquid food) by sips or spoonfuls ⇒ (i)
As a noun, sup[5] means
As a verb, sup[5] is a dated or Northern English term meaning to take (drink or liquid food) by sips or spoonfuls ⇒ (i)
she supped up her soup delightedly; (ii)
he was supping straight from the bottle.
As a noun, sup[5] means
- a sip of liquid ⇒
he took another sup of wine
- (in Northern England or Ireland) an alcoholic drink ⇒
the latest sup from those blokes at the brewery
2d | Exact retribution for // raven getting caught (6) |
3d | Aren't car bits ordered? // I forget (12) |
4d | Help to support Republican // attack (4) |
"Republican " = R [member or supporter of US political party]
A Republican[5] (abbreviation R[5] or Rep.[5]) is a member or supporter of the Republican Party[5], one of the two main US political parties*, favouring a right-wing stance, limited central government, and tough, interventionist foreign policy. It was formed in 1854 in support of the anti-slavery movement preceding the Civil War.
* the other being the Democratic Party
Although, in the UK, republican[5] can refer to an advocate of a united Ireland, the abbreviation does not appear to apply to that usage.
A Republican[5] (abbreviation R[5] or Rep.[5]) is a member or supporter of the Republican Party[5], one of the two main US political parties*, favouring a right-wing stance, limited central government, and tough, interventionist foreign policy. It was formed in 1854 in support of the anti-slavery movement preceding the Civil War.
* the other being the Democratic Party
Although, in the UK, republican[5] can refer to an advocate of a united Ireland, the abbreviation does not appear to apply to that usage.
5d | Reconcile this writer with a large, // satisfying feast (6,4) |
"this writer " = ME
It is a common cryptic crossword convention for the creator of the puzzle to use terms such as (the or this) compiler, (the or this) setter, (the or this) speaker, (this) author, (this) writer, or this person to refer to himself or herself. To solve such a clue, one must generally substitute a first person pronoun (I or ME) for whichever of these terms has been used in the clue.
It is a common cryptic crossword convention for the creator of the puzzle to use terms such as (the or this) compiler, (the or this) setter, (the or this) speaker, (this) author, (this) writer, or this person to refer to himself or herself. To solve such a clue, one must generally substitute a first person pronoun (I or ME) for whichever of these terms has been used in the clue.
7d | Group of men // heading for George Harrison leaving hotel (8) |
Scratching the Surface
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George Harrison[5] (1943–2001) was an English rock and pop guitarist, the lead guitarist of the Beatles. |
8d | Greene's novel keeping one/'s/ fire up (8) |
Alternative Parsing
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I have marked the clue in the same manner as Mr K in which the wordplay parses as an anagram of (novel) GREENES containing (keeping) I ([Roman numeral] one). However, I believe it would also be possible to mark this clue as:
Scratching the Surface
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11d | Gossip /as/ flier let out story about motorbike races (6-6) |
The tits, chickadees, and titmice[7] constitute the Paridae, a large family of small passerine birds which occur in the northern hemisphere and Africa. These birds are called either "chickadees" or "titmice" in North America, and just "tits" in the rest of the English-speaking world.
"motorbike races " = TT [Tourist Trophy (motorcycle time trials)]
The Tourist Trophy[5] (abbreviation TT[5]) is a motorcycle-racing competition held annually on roads in the Isle of Man since 1907.
For many years, the Isle of Man TT[7] was the most prestigious motorcycle race in the world. The race is run in a time-trial format on public roads closed for racing. Since, in a time trial, each competitor races alone against the clock, the event could be described as a "series of races".
The Tourist Trophy[5] (abbreviation TT[5]) is a motorcycle-racing competition held annually on roads in the Isle of Man since 1907.
For many years, the Isle of Man TT[7] was the most prestigious motorcycle race in the world. The race is run in a time-trial format on public roads closed for racing. Since, in a time trial, each competitor races alone against the clock, the event could be described as a "series of races".
14d | Connected // case to said criminal (10) |
16d | Uninterested, // having no catalogue? (8) |
The second part of the clue is a whimsical literal interpretation of the solution. In his review on Big Dave's Crossword Blog, Mr K suggests this latter interpretation word be enumerated (4-4) but I see no need for a hyphen (and have thus marked it as a double definition).
17d | Mark on church left by Yankee? // Not at all (8) |
19d | Is climbing before slip up on a // mountain range (6) |
Especially in Spanish-speaking countries or the western US, sierra[5] is a term for a long jagged mountain chain.
20d | Marriage partner going round lake // -- something of interest to a groom? (6) |
23d | Payment by learner /makes/ sense (4) |
"learner " = L [driver under instruction]
The cryptic crossword convention of L meaning learner or student arises from the L-plate[7], a square plate bearing a sans-serif letter L, for learner, which must be affixed to the front and back of a vehicle in various jurisdictions (including the UK) if its driver is a learner under instruction.
The cryptic crossword convention of L meaning learner or student arises from the L-plate[7], a square plate bearing a sans-serif letter L, for learner, which must be affixed to the front and back of a vehicle in various jurisdictions (including the UK) if its driver is a learner under instruction.
![]() |
Automobile displaying an L-plate |
Key to Reference Sources:
[1] - The Chambers Dictionary, 11th Edition
[2] - Search Chambers - (Chambers 21st Century Dictionary)
[3] - TheFreeDictionary.com (American Heritage Dictionary)
[4] - TheFreeDictionarycom (Collins English Dictionary)
[5] - Lexico (formerly Oxford Dictionaries Online) (Oxford Dictionary of English)
[6] - Lexico (formerly Oxford Dictionaries Online) (Oxford Advanced American Dictionary)
[7] - Wikipedia
[8] - Reverso Online Dictionary (Collins French-English Dictionary)
[9] - Infoplease (Random House Unabridged Dictionary)
[10] - CollinsDictionary.com (Collins English Dictionary)
[11] - TheFreeDictionary.com (Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary)
[12] - CollinsDictionary.com (Webster’s New World College Dictionary)
[13] - MacmillanDictionary.com (Macmillan Dictionary)
[14] - CollinsDictionary.com (COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary)
[15] - CollinsDictionary.com (Penguin Random House LLC/HarperCollins Publishers Ltd )
Signing off for today — Falcon
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