Saturday, December 14, 2019

Saturday, December 14, 2019 — Coin Toss


Here is today's puzzle from Cox & Rathvon.

I invite you to leave a comment to let us know how you fared with the puzzle.

Signing off for this week — Falcon


  1. Heads or Tails? I'll flip you for it. Still working on a few parsings. Lower right corner is holding me up. I'll get back to this likely tomorrow.

  2. Good morning,

    I found today's puzzle to be a bit tough. But got there in the end. Must now start thinking about Christmas shopping. Have a good weekend!


  3. Henry: I'll trade you. I have that corner, but I don't have 13 down or 14 across.

    1. Hi Sydney,

      13d: a four-letter synonym of string goes around a 3 letter synonym of carpet and a 3 letter synonym of eroded to get a word that could mean wrinkled -- as in some types of tin roofs.

      Re 14a: a + d (donkey's head) go into 'show' + the usual two letter abbreviation of editor. This gets a word meaning "put a tail on".

      Hope this helps.


    2. Sydney -
      These were good ones
      13d RUG=carpet, ATE=eroded, all in CORD=string
      14a This one is more straightforward. A D = a+ donkey's head (first letter of donkey) in SHOW ED (tail meaning to follow someone)
      I found CAPPER for 15a, supposedly the name of the monkey in the Lion King, but I'm not sure.

    3. It's tamper, not capper. Capper is what I thought first.

    4. I thought of TAMPER but I failed to see the 'head covering'. Solution will be posted later today.

  4. A good brain exercise today. Just figured the coin toss, looking in the wrong place for it.

  5. Thanks for the help, Peter and Henry. A tam is a type of hat.

  6. Good Morning all! And hope you're doing better, Falcon.
    Here is the solution to this weekend's puzzle. Falcon has called this 'Coin Toss'.
    If you didn't make heads or tails of the puzzle this week, you're not the only one, it was a brain exercise.

    1a REIGNED˜ Homonym (so you could hear it) of rained=dropped
    5a GO(LIAT)H< Reversal (back) of 'hog' containing (keeping) 'tail'
    9a PRINCIPAL˜ Homonym (stated) of principle=assumption
    10a {T(R)IAL}* Anagram (needing adjustment) on 'tail' containing (with) R=back of sweater (last letter of the word sweater)
    11a FLEE˜ Homonym (in the ear) of flea=irritating bug
    12a SOMER˜|SAULT˜ Homonyms (in the sound) of summer=hot time, salt=sailor
    14a {SH(A+D)OW}+|ED+ A+ D=donkey's head (first letter of the word donkey), contained in (in) show+, and Ed+
    15a TAM|PER TAM=head covering, PER=for each
    18a RETIRE double definition, one a whimsical definition to put new tires on
    19a {FI(REAR)MS}* Anagram (broadcast) on 'Is FM', containing (about) rear=tail
    22a {S(WAGGER)ING}+ Sing+ containing (about) wagger=tail (on a dog)
    24a TALE˜ Homonym (recited) of Tail
    26a STAR|T star=leading, t=team at the front (first letter of team)
    27a INTERCEPT* Anagram (explosive) on 'TNT recipe'
    28a {S(HIND)IG}< Reversal (back) of GIs, containing (holding) hind=tail
    29a S(MART)LY sly=calculating, containing (about) mart=store

    1d RI(P-O)FFS riffs=musician's phrases containing (about) PO=abbreviation for Post Office
    2d {I(TINE)RANT}+ (I rant)+ containing (about) tine=sticking point (on the end of a fork)
    3d NICE double definition
    4d DEPLORES* Anagram (sad) of 'old peer's'
    5d GO|L|DEN go=pass, L=roman numeral for 50, den=study (the golden anniversary is the 50th anniversary)
    6d {LOTUS EATER}* Anagram (playing) of 'astute role'
    7d A+|DIE|U die=end, U=shortform for up, after (pursuing) a+
    8d HOLSTER* Anagram (dotty) on 'lost her'
    13d {COR(RUG|ATE)D} rug=carpet, ate=eroded, contained in (into) cord=string
    16d {PER(MANE)N|T} mane=thick head of hair, N=shorn at last (last letter of the word 'shorn), contained in (in) pert=fresh
    17d L|IGNITES L=shortform for Left, next to (by) ignites=fires
    18d RESISTS* Anagram (weird) of 'sisters'
    20d SWEETLY* Anagram (changed) on ‘style we’
    21d _ERRING _erring=herring, a fish with first letter removed (after the first)
    23d AM|AT|I AM=in the morning, at+, I=letter that looks like the number one
    25d _ARIA_ hidden in (in) vARIAtion


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