Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010 (DT 26329)

Daily Telegraph Puzzle Number
DT 26329
Publication Date in The Daily Telegraph
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Link to Full Review
Big Dave's Crossword Blog [DT 26329]
Big Dave's Review Written By
Big Dave
Big Dave's Rating
Difficulty - ** Enjoyment - ***


I got off to a roaring start today and, for a time, thought I might not need to open my Tool Chest. However, I was to discover that there are enough Briticisms in the puzzle to make it challenging to complete. I am sure that the Brits would have found it considerably less difficult.

Today's Glossary

Selected abbreviations, people, places, words and expressions appearing in today's puzzle

on - noun Cricket
  • a.  (modifier) relating to or denoting the leg side of a cricket field or pitch: the on side; an on drive [see definition of leg in Appearing in Solutions below]
Appearing in Solutions:

at a stroke - phrase by a single action having immediate effect: attitudes cannot be changed at a stroke

black - verb 2 British dated refuse to handle (goods), undertake (work ), or have dealings with (a person or business) as a way of taking industrial action: the printers blacked firms trying to employ women

black spot - 1 British a place or area marked by a particular trouble or concern: an unemployment black spot; an accident black spot

bull's-eye - noun [American Heritage Dictionary] 6. A piece of round hard candy; [Collins English Dictionary] 8. a peppermint-flavoured, usually striped, boiled sweet
The online dictionaries provide various spellings for this word, with the American Heritage Dictionary showing it as either bull's-eye or bulls eye, Chambers as bull's-eye, Collins as bull's-eye, and Oxford as bullseye.
ch - abbreviation 3 chess check

cob 1 - noun 4 a powerfully built, short- legged horse

end 1 - [Collins English Dictionary] noun 11. Sport either of the two defended areas of a playing field, rink, [court,] etc.

Hyde Park Corner - a major intersection in London, England, located at the south-east corner of Hyde Park where Park Lane, Knightsbridge, Piccadilly, Grosvenor Place and Constitution Hill converge

leg - noun 13. Cricket
  • a.  the side of the field to the left of a right-handed batsman as he faces the bowler
  • b.  (as modifier) a leg slip; leg stump
Perseus 1 - noun Greek myth a son of Zeus and Danaë, who with Athena's help slew the Gorgon Medusa and rescued Andromeda from a sea monster

snook 1 - [Collins English Dictionary] noun
  1. any of several large game fishes of the genus Centropomus, especially C. undecimalis of tropical American marine and fresh waters: family Centropomidae (robalos) 
  2. Australian the sea pike Australuzza novaehollandiae
tea - noun 3 chiefly British a light afternoon meal consisting typically of tea to drink, sandwiches, and cakes; British a cooked evening meal.  See also high tea.

Signing off for today - Falcon

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