On Vacation
Today we may have been visiting universities in Canada, but for the next couple of weeks I will be sightseeing in Italy. As a result there will be no blog for the next couple of weeks. Please come back and visit the site in November.
Solution to Today's Puzzle
Legend: | "*" anagram; "~" sounds like; "<" letters reversed |
"( )" letters inserted; "_" letters deleted |
1a MCMASTER* - anagram (busted) of TERM SCAM; "school" = McMaster University
5a SP(I)RIT - SPRIT (pole) containing (taking) I (interest)
9a MA|SON - MA (mother) + (and) SON (child)
10a DALHOUSIE* - anagram (changed) of LOUISE HAD; "school" = Dalhousie University
12a CUR(A)T|OR - {CURT (brief) + OR (choice)} containing (about) A
13a G(REND)EL - REND (rip) contained in (into) GEL (set)
14a BRAND|ON - BRAND (stigma) + ON (attached to); "school" = Brandon University
16a B|ROCK - B (fairly good; as a school grade) + ROCK (modern music); "school" = Brock University
19a T(R)ENT - R (run; as in baseball - or cricket) contained in (in) TENT (temporary shelter); "school" = Trent University
21a BI|SHOPS - BI (head of boys' institute; i.e., the first letters of the words "boys' institute") + SHOPS (markets); "school" = Bishop's University
24a CAB(I)NET - I (one) contained in (riding in) {CAB (taxi) + NET (clear)}
26a {OLD SALT}* - anagram (at sea) of LAD LOST
27a CONCORDIA* - anagram (playing) of ACCORDION; "school" = Concordia University
28a NI<|GER - reversal of (retreating) IN + GER (German)
29a RE(FUN)D - RED (ruby) containing (receives) FUN (entertainment)
30a CAR(LE)TON - CARTON (box) containing (outside of) LE (the French; i.e., the French word meaning "the"); "school" = Carleton University
1d M(IM)ICS - IM contained in (surrounded by) MICS (microphones)
2d MI(SERAB*)LE - anagram (moving) of BEARS contained in (in) MILE (distance)
3d SINATRA* - anagram (turned) of ARTISAN
4d ELDER - double definition
6d P(ROVER)B - ROVER (pirate) contained in (in) PB (chemical symbol for the element lead)
7d _RES|OD_ -hidden in (in) pastuRES ODdly
8d TRE(ELI)K|E - ELI (biblical priest) contained in (in) {TREK (journey) + E (east)}
11d LEG|ENDS - LEG (part of a journey) + ENDS (destroys)
15d DE(BUT)ED - BUT (only) contained in (in) DEED (performance)
17d ON(S|LAUGH)T - ONT (Ontario) containing (disrupted by) {S (small) + LAUGH (giggle)}
18d S(TOCK) CAR - SCAR (mark) containing (including) TOCK (timer's pronouncement; i.e., sound made by a clock)
20d T(IN)HORN - THORN (something sharp) containing (about) IN (popular)
22d OR(DIN)AL - DIN (racket) contained in (caught by) ORAL (exam)
23d STYRO*|N - anagram (new) of STORY + N (new); William Styron - American novelist and essayist
25d BAN|FF - BAN (forbid) + FF (instruction to play very loudly; i.e., abbreviation for the musical direction fortissimo); Banff National Park
26d O|S|AKA - O (operator) + S ('s) + AKA (alias; i.e., abbreviation for also known as)
Signing off for today - Falcon
ReplyDeleteTo boldly go… aw, I’m sure some other constructor’s been here before
9a RE(TE)ACH—Alien equals “ET”: book it. The kicker in this clue was leaving “reach” alone. How many of you were trying to find a synonym for that one?
10a PER(FOR)M—FOR (pro) contained in PERM (hairdo). Easy starter.
11a CAPTAIN KIRK*—anagram (out) of PICK AIR TANK. Off to the races, assuming you watched the old series.
12a _E|EL_—hidden (caught by) erniE ELs.
13a S(P)EED—P (chemical symbol for phosphorus) contained in (in) SEED (grain).
14a ASTEROID*—anagram (for) of A HORMONE’S
16a, 18a WILLIAM SHATNER*—anagram (case) of TALL IRISHMAN WE. Convenient that the name is 7,7 and Hex are good enough to put them not only on the same line but on the middle line. That’s attention to detail.
19a S|PACES|HIP—S (small) + PACES (steps) + HIP (in)
21a RA(P)ID—RAID (attack) containing (capturing) P (first letter [leader] of “people’s”)
24a A|SH—A (letter ‘a’) + SH (quiet)
25a THE KLINGONS*—anagram (off) of THEN GO SLINK. I’ll leave it to a Trekkie commentator to point interested solvers to a good online introduction to Klingons: did you know you can learn to speak the Klingon language
26a LA|RAM|IE—LA (Los Angeles) + RAM +IE (that is). Laramie is a city in Wyoming, and the clue reads even better if you remember that Los Angeles was the National Football League home of the Rams for many years.
27a EVENING—double definition
1d ~WRECKS—sounds like (reportedly) “rex” (Latin king)
2d STA(P)LE—P (first letter [chief] of “police”) contained in (interrupts) STALE (old)
3d FAR AND WIDE*—anagram (shot) of DAWN FIRED A
4d PHANTASM*— anagram (changed) of MANS PATH
5d S|PRINT—S (first letter [bit of] of “sloppy”) + TYPE (print)
6d T|R|E|K—first letters (starts) of The Remote European Kingdom
7d COME|DI(A)N—COME (arrive at) + DIN (uproar) containing (holding) A.
8d I’M A LOSER*—anagram (bad) of IS LAME OR
15d REAR|RANGES—REAR (back) + RANGES (burners). Efficient cluing.
16d W(ASS)AILS—WAILS (loudly protests) containing (about) ASS (dope)
17d LEA(THE)RY—THE (article) contained in (penned by) LEARY (Timothy the hippie). Timothy Leary was an early proponent of LSD (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legend_of_a_Mind).
18d SUP|PLIED—SUP (have food) + PLIED (layered)
20d ~HEELED—sounds like (of hearing) HEALED (cured)
22d ~PROFIT—sounds like (in speech) PROPHET (prognosticator)
23d DO|SAGE—DO (manage) + SAGE (wise)
25d TOME—double definition
Matt Mitchell
ReplyDeleteTrick or Treat
This week Hex have managed to work a few more theme words than usual into the grid.
1a MAGIC TRICK*—anagram (shattered) of GIMCRACK IT. “Gimcrack” was a word my late father in law used a lot. Being the practical sort, but also a tinkerer, he was alternately annoyed and amused by gimcracks.
6a <GRUB<—reversal (sent back) of BURG (city)
9a S(COW)LED—COW (bovine) contained in (aboard) SLED (luge)
10a BA(D OME)N—BAN (prohibit) containing (around) DOME (prominent part of St. Peter’s [Basilica]).
12a SAT|AN—SAT (met, as in a legislature) + AN (one)
13a ALL SAINTS*—anagram (crude) of STALLS IN A
14a OF|F|ICE—OF + a Female + ICE (diamonds)
16a PR(A)ISE—PRISE (jimmy, as in forcing open) containing (receiving) A
20a MANT(R)A—MANTA (ray) containing (interrupted by) start of Repetitive
21a T(ARM)AC*—anagram (oddly) of ACT containing (carrying) ARM (weapon). Tarmac, a contraction of “tarmacadam” is a common name for the paved apron of an airport.
24a HALL|O(WEE)N—WEE (midget) contained in (in) HALL (foyer) + ON
26a B|ASSO—B (good) + AS SO (as such)
27a ST(R)ATUS—Right contained in (in) STATUS (position)
28a TH|ROUGH—THe (most of “the”) + ROUGH (grinding)
29a S(OH)O—OH (I see) contained in (into) Significant Other (initials)
30a DUTCH TREAT*—anagram (weird) of TRUTH ACTED
1d M(IS)USE—IS contained in (taken by) MUSE (arts patron)
2d G(HOST | T)OWN—GOWN (dress) containing (worn by) HOST (army) + T (Troops)
3d COLON—double definition
4d RADIAN(C)E*—anagram (excited) of ARIADNE containing (about) Cup
5d CAB|ALA—CAB (hack) + A LA (using the style of). This is a variant spelling of “Kabbalah.”
7d RA(ME)N—RAN (spilled) containing (around) ME
8d BAN(I)SHEE—I (one) contained by (adopted by) BANSHEE (female spirit)
11d DI(AGRA)M—AGRA (Taj Mahal site) contained in (shown in) DIM (faint)
15d FAR(M) OUT—Mass contained in (held by) FAR OUT (unconventional). Here Hex use delegate as a verb.
17d IN CO(STU)ME—INCOME (salary) containing (keeping) STUart
18d _E MP HAS IS_—onE MP HAS ISsues
19d MA(G)NETIC*—anagram (bum) of MITE CAN containing (about) G ($1,000, as in “grand”)
22d DESSAU*—anagram (inept) of SUED AS. I do listen to modern music (allow me to plug the composer Kile Smith [http://kilesmith.com/] and his work Vespers, a 21st century composition for 16th century instruments [Navona CD 5809, Amazon B001UPIWQS or on iTunes]), but I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything by Paul Dessau (Germany, 1894-1979).
23d TO|P HAT—TO (until) + PHAT (cool, urban slang)
25d L|ARCH—Large + ARCH (bridge)
26d BU(R)ST—silveR (last of) contained in (in) BUST (chest)
Matt Mitchell
I'm working my way through the archive of NatPost puzzles, and this one seemed very familiar. Well, of course, I just solved it a few weeks ago, because the NatPost used it as the final C&R puzzle, on 15 Oct 2022, almost exactly 12 years later.