Saturday, June 19, 2010

Saturday, June 19, 2010 - Let the Bells Ring


One might say that today's puzzle from Cox and Rathvon is a real bellringer.

I am away from home for the weekend - and thus without access to all my usual tools to create the blog. As a result, I have been experimenting with some new tools - for example, to create the JPEG image of the puzzle on the right.

Solution to Today's Puzzle

Legend: "CD" Cryptic Definition; "DD" Double Definition

"*" anagram; "~" sounds like; "<" letters reversed

"( )" letters inserted; "_" letters deleted

1a MACE - double definition; "spray used to debilitate" and "staff"

3a AR(CHIME)DES* - anagram (aimlessly) of READS containing (about) CHIME (ring)

9a {SHAR-PEI}* - anagram (altered) of PHRASE I

11a L(A|Y)OVER - {A + Y} contained in LOVER (paramour)

12a AP(PEAL)ING - PEAL (ring) contained in (involved in) APING (copying)

13a _NER|VE_ - hidden in (some) thinNER VErbenas

14a HE(PC)AT - PC (personal computer) contained in (confiscated by) HEAT (cops)

16a ANG LE|E - ANGLE (viewpoint) + E (error)

20a POE|TRY - POE (short story writer; Edgar Allan Poe) + TRY (essay)

21a S(POT)-ON - POT (grass) contained in (fenced by) SON (boy)

24a I(DIO)M - IM (I'm) containing (embracing) DIO (the Italian's deity; i.e., Italian word for "god")

26a BILL|A|BONG - BILL (check) + A + BONG (ring)

28a SHO(T)GUN - SHOGUN (Japanese dictator) containing (adopts) T (sort of square; T-square: drafting instrument)

29a ANDORRA* - anagram (rockily) of ROAD RAN

30a AYA(TOLL)AHS* - anagram (cryptically)

31a CHAS_ - CHAS[e] (pursue) with the final letter deleted (endlessly); Chas: short form of Charles (Charles, the Prince of Wales, heir to the British throne)


1d MUST|ACHE - MUST (essential) + ACHE (longing)

2d CHAMP - double definition; "noisily munch" and "hero"

4d RAISIN_ - most of the letters (mostly) of RAISIN[g] (cultivating)

5d HA(LOGE)NS - LOGE (box) contained in (held by) HANS (Holbein; German painter Hans Holbein)

6d MAY|AN - MAY (springtime) + (with) AN

7d DIVER|GENT - DIVER GENT ("fellow like Cousteau"; Jacques-Yves Cousteau: French diver and undersea explorer)

8d STREEP* - anagram (getting changed) of PETERS; American actress Meryl Streep

10d PLAC(AT)E - AT (resting) contained in (in) PLACE (spot)

15d {PEPSI COLA}* - anagram (shifts) of EPISCOPAL

17d LA(PLAN)D - LAD (boy) contains (has) PLAN (scheme)

18d TRI(BUN)AL - BUN (roll) contained in TRIAL (court proceeding)

19d A|NAG|RAMS - A + NAG (no-good horse) + RAMS (runs into)

22d SIESTA* - anagram (rearranged) of SEAT IS

23d B(L)EACH - L (left) contained in (in) BEACH (oceanside strip)

25d MA|GOO - MA (mother) + GOO (icky stuff); Mr. Magoo: a cartoon character who is known for his extreme nearsightedness

27d OPRAH< - reversal (returned) of HARPO; Harpo Marx: member of the Marx Brothers comedy team and Oprah Winfrey: American talk show host

Signing off for today - Falcon

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