Saturday, April 10, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010 - Broadway Country


In today's puzzle, Cox and Rathvon take us on a tour down Broadway over the years, treating us to a varied sampling of musical productions - and, just for good measure, throw in a bit of Country Music to boot.

Today's Theatrical Presentations

Musical productions featured in today's puzzle are:

Cabaret - Broadway 1966, 1987 and 1998

Camelot - Broadway 1960, 1980, 1981 and 1993

Chicago - Broadway 1975 and 1996

Contact - Broadway 2000

Follies - Broadway 1971 and 2001

Ragtime - Broadway 1998 and 2009

Redhead - Broadway 1959

Titanic - Broadway 1997

Commentary on Today's Puzzle

8d Ring tax (4)

I first thought that the solution must be TIRE - only to discover that I had the wrong meanings for both parts of this double definition.

Solution to Today's Puzzle

Legend: "CD" Cryptic Definition; "DD" Double Definition

"*" anagram; "~" sounds like; "<" letters reversed

"( )" letters inserted; "_" letters deleted

1a CA(BARE)T - BARE (undressed) contained in (in) CAT (beatnik)

5a CAME|LOT - CAME (approached) + (with) LOT (great deal)

9a NEOLOGISM* - anagram (deciphered) of SOME LINGO

10a R|URAL - R (red) URAL (river of Russia)

11a PAIN - double definition; "French bread" (i.e., French word meaning "bread") and "annoying pest"

12a {IN DOUBT}* - anagram (excitedly) of BUT I NOD

15a RAG(TIM)E - RAGE (anger) containing (about) TIM (Timothy)

16a CHIC|AGO - CHIC (popular) AGO (in the past)

17a CONT|ACT - CONT (continued) ACT (to play on stage)

20a F|OLLIES - F (debut of funnyman; i.e., first letter of the word "funnyman") OLLIES (Hardy's; i.e., Oliver Hardy, comedy partner of Stan Laurel)

22a SAT|I|ATE - SAT (had a seat) preceding (before) I ATE (gobbled)

23a _ACE|D_ - hidden in (some) peACE Demonstators

26a PEERS - double definition; "nobility" and "comes into view"

27a FALSIFIER* - anagram (shot) of AS IF RIFLE

28a T(I|TAN)IC - {I TAN (catch the sun)} contained in TIC (jerk)

29a R(ED|H)EAD - READ containing (about) ED H (Harris's first; i.e., first letter of the word "Harris")


1d CONS|PIRACY - CONS (jailbird's) PIRACY (theft)

2d B(LOW)ING - BING (American singer Bing Crosby) containing (covers) LOW (bass)

3d ROOM< - reversal (going back) of MOOR (Othello, for one) 4d THIN (I|C)E - {I (one) C (Conservative)} contained in (in) THINE (your)

5d CO|MEDIC - CO (company) MEDIC (doc)

6d MARSUPIALS* - anagram (wrecked) of A PARIS SLUM

7d LORETTA - anagram (travels) of TO ALTER; country singer Loretta Lynn

8d TOLL - double definition

13d BIPARTISAN* - anagram (new) of ASPIRIN TAB

14d CONSIDERED* - anagram (wrongly) of ID CENSORED

18d N|ASCENT - N (northern) ASCENT (route to the summit)

19d TRAFFIC* - anagram (gets wrecked) of IF CRAFT

20d FEE(B)LER - B (bee) contained in (caught by) FEELER (antenna)

21d IN|CLINE - IN (popular) CLINE (Patsy; i.e., country singer Patsy Cline)

24d SPA|T - SPA (spring) T (time)

25d LIED - double definition; "German song" and "was misleading"

Signing off for today - Falcon

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