Today's puzzle, a fairly typical Cox and Rathvon creation, takes us to the cinema - where we are treated to a couple of animated features.
Solution to Today's Puzzle
Legend: | "CD" Cryptic Definition; "DD" Double Definition |
"*" anagram; "~" sounds like; "<" letters reversed | |
"( )" letters inserted; "_" letters deleted |
1a H(A|BIT)AT - somewhat (A BIT) framed by (insertion) cap (HAT)
5a CLAMMER~ - sounds like (heard) CLAMOUR (ruckus)
9a ROD|IN - bar (ROD) + popular (IN)
10a M(ORATOR|I)A - speaker (ORATOR) and I involved in (insertion) Massachusetts (MA)
11a FI(N)ANCE - husband-to-be (FIANCE) about (around) name (N)
12a DAM<|AGED - returned (reversal) angry (MAD), old (AGED)
13a {ROGER RABBIT}* - corrected {BIG TAB ERROR}
21a P(O|THE)AD - love (O) article (THE) found in (insertion) apartment (PAD)
23a HE|A|VE TO - the guy (HE) with (plus) a rejection (A VETO)
25a CLOUD OVER - screen (COVER) outside (around) gaudy (LOUD)
26a L|HAS|A - Liberal (L) owns (HAS) A
27a DREA(ME)D - myself (ME) in (insertion) apprehension (DREAD)
28a DOWN PAT - fluff (DOWN) by (plus) Patrick (PAT)
1d HEREFORD - present (HERE) FOR drive (D)
2d BAD(IN|A)GE - what an officer wears (BADGE) engaging (surrounding) IN A
3d TEN|ON - decade (TEN) running (ON)
4d TEMPERATE* - {MET PETER A} radical
5d CORED - sounds like (heard) CHORD (group of notes)
6d A|U(TOMATO)N - salad ingredient (TOMATO) picked up by (surrounded by) A UN
7d MIR(AG)E - silver (AG) in (insertion) swampy ground (MIRE)
8d RWANDA* - {WAR AND} changes
14d ROTTER|DAM - cad (ROTTER) going in front of (before) mother (DAM)
15d B(RIGHT) RED - raised (BRED) around (surrounding) conservative (RIGHT)
16d {TIME (W)ARP}* - work (W) grasped by (surrounded by) strange (anagram) PRIMATE
17d _IGNORANT_ - in (hidden word) desIGN OR ANTiques
19d S|PACED - head of (first letter of) state (S) walked back and forth (PACED)
20d ST(R)OVE - piece of (first letter of) roast (R) in (insertion) cooker (STOVE)
22d D|AVID - poor [grade] (D) with (plus) eager (AVID) following (at the end)
24d ALLOW - everything (ALL) that hurts (OW) [exclamation of pain]
Signing off for today - Falcon
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