Saturday, October 9, 2010

Saturday, October 9, 2010 - Let's Drink to Franks and Beans


In today's puzzle, Cox and Rathvon serve up a simple meal of franks and beans (frankfurters and baked beans) together with a varied selection of drinks.

Today's Glossary

Selected abbreviations, people, places, words and expressions appearing in today's puzzle

Appearing in Solutions:

Eric Gagné - Canadian-born former Major League Baseball pitcher

Hugh Grant - English actor and film producer

Hugo Awards - annual awards for the best science fiction or fantasy works and achievements

Bette Midler - American singer, actress and comedian

salty dog - a cocktail of gin or vodka and grapefruit juice, traditionally served in a salt-rimmed glass.

Solution to Today's Puzzle

Legend: "CD" Cryptic Definition; "DD" Double Definition
"*" anagram; "~" sounds like; "<" letters reversed
"( )" letters inserted; "_" letters deleted


1a S(OUR) MASH - SMASH (big success) containing (involving) OUR

5a MASS|IF - MASS (church celebration) + IF (provided)

9a _ITCHING - PITCHING (Eric Gagne's work) with the first letter deleted (after the first)

10a THERES|A -THERES (yonders's) + A

11a LEA|PT -PT (point) after (east of; i.e., to the right of) LEA (meadow)

12a S(WEE|T) TALK -{WEE (little) T (time)} contained in (amid) STALK (hunt)

13a {DAIRY M}<|AID - reversal (in return) of MYRIAD (a great many) + AID (help)

15a DU|SKY - DU (of the French; i.e., French word meaning "of the") + SKY (firmament)

17a HUGOS~ - sounds like (reportedly) HUGH (actor Hugh Grant) GOES (leaves)

19a OVERSLEEP* - anagram (wild) of LOVE SPREE

21a {BITTER ALE}* - anagram (after mixing) of BITE LATER

24a LA(R)VA - R (right) contained in (inside) LAVA (volcanic rock)

25a A(LIMO)NY - LIMO (fancy car) contained in (included in) ANY

26a TRIPOLI< - sounds like (reportedly) TRIPLE-E (very wide; i.e., EEE shoe size)

27a SO|LIDS - SO (true) + LIDS (tops)

28a {SALTY DOG}* - anagram (ruined) of GOT SADLY


1d {SPILLED THE BEANS}* - anagram (bum) of IN DEBT A HELPLESS

2d UNC(E)ASING - E (error) contained in (in) UNCASING (opening)

3d MO(I)STLY - MOSTLY (largely) containing (covering) I (one)

4d SAG(A)S - SAGS (dip's) containing (penning) A (top grade)

6d A(BETTE)D - BETTE (singer Bette Midler) contained in (in) AD (commercial)

7d _SIE|NA_ - hidden in (in part) lasSIE NAmed

8d F(RANK)LY| S|PEAKING - {FLY (pilot) + S ('s) + PEAKING (in top form)} containing (holding) RANK (level)

10d TREADLE* - anagram (engineer) of ALTERED

14d ANOMALY~ - sounds like (discussed) AN AMELIE

16d S(WEAR) WORD - WEAR (sport) contained in (taken by) SWORD (blade)

18d STEROID* - anagram (that can make you) of SO TIRED

20d SO(LOIS)T - LOIS contained in (grabbed by) SOT (tosspot)

22d T|WILL - T (tailor's foremost; i.e., first letter of the word "tailor") + WILL (desire)

23d _EX|TRA_ -hidden (in) in SussEX TRAgedy

Signing off for today - Falcon


  1. Hello, Falcon!

    You seem to have missed part of the theme this week.

    Four symmetrical Across answers (SOUR MASH, SWEET TALK, BITTER ALE and SALTY DOG) begin with the four sensations that can be detected by the taste buds on various regions of the tongue.

  2. Patrick,

    I think you are being kind when you say "You seem to have missed part of the theme ...". I would say that I totally missed the real theme of the puzzle (which you have very perceptively identified). I suspect that the beans and franks, not to mention all that liquor, were a diversion - which I fell for hook, line and sinker!



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